Nursing Program FAQ
Is the nursing program accredited?
Yes, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Benedictine College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Do you have a pre-admission or guaranteed admission plan?
We do not offer a pre-admission or guaranteed admission plan to pre-nursing students. You are evaluated based on your performance at the undergraduate level.
I have the opportunity to complete prerequisites (summer courses, AP, PSEO, dual credit, etc.) prior to attending Benedictine. Should I take them?
We encourage you to complete your entire nursing sequence of prerequisites and nursing curriculum at Benedictine College. However, we do accept prerequisite coursework for credit if you complete it at an accredited college or university and earn a C or above. Do not get carried away accumulating pre-college credits! Your admission to the nursing program will be evaluated on your performance in coursework completed at Benedictine and preference is given to applicants who have completed three full-time semesters of undergraduate education after high school graduation. This is because of the noteworthy maturation that occurs in your first and second year of college. In other words, do not take pre-college courses because you want to complete your nursing degree from Benedictine College in three years. We also strongly encourage you to complete BIOL-1121, General Biology I at Benedictine College. BIOL-1121 at Benedictine is a five-credit course with a genetics component. Frequently at other colleges and universities, General Biology is a four-credit course, which means it will not replace BIOL-1121 at Benedictine. A College Board Advance Placement (AP) Biology exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 WILL be accepted in place of BIOL-1121. Rather than taking nursing prerequisites, consider completing pre-college general education courses, such as English Composition, Foreign Language, and/or History.
Can I graduate with a nursing degree three years after high school graduation?
No, our curriculum is designed for you to complete two years of pre-nursing requirements and two years of nursing requirements. In addition, we give admission preference to candidates who have completed three full-time semesters at a college or university after high school graduation.
When do I apply to the nursing program?
We request that you submit the electronic application no later than January 15 of your sophomore year.
What are the requirements to apply to the program?
You will need to have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum of 64 credit hours, as well as the ability to complete all academic requirements to graduate in two years. In addition, you must obtain a grade of C or above and earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all nursing prerequisite courses.
What else do I submit with my application?
To apply to the nursing program, you need only to complete Benedictine’s electronic program application. We will review any transcripts (including any transferred credit) we have on file for you, as well as evaluate the spring semester classes in which you are enrolled. What factors are considered in the application process? Nursing candidates are evaluated based on the following set of criteria:
- Cumulative GPA and GPA in nursing prerequisite courses
- Admission preference will be given to students who have completed three full-time semesters at an institution of higher learning after high school graduation
- Number of full-time semesters completed at Benedictine College
- Personal Video Essay
- Academic history with patterns and trends indicating potential for academic success
- Pre-Admission Testing may be considered
- Eligibility for licensure
- TOEFL exam scores (for students whose first language is not English)
What GPA do I need to be admitted?
This varies by cohort but typically candidates presenting a 3.25 GPA and above have a high likelihood of being accepted. This is a rule of thumb and not a guarantee. Although other factors are considered, your cumulative GPA along with your GPA in prerequisites are particularly meaningful.
How many students are admitted to the program?
Thirty-six students are admitted to the nursing program each year.
Why do you only admit 36 students per class?
The Benedictine College nursing program is approved by the Kansas State Board of Nursing for 36 students in each cohort.
How many students apply for the 36 nursing program spots?
In the past two years, we have received 36 qualified applicants for the 36 positions.
Does being a certified nursing assistant (CNA) increase my chances of being admitted?
There are benefits to securing your CNA, but this certification is not considered when evaluating nursing program candidates.
Do you accept transfer students?
Admission preference is given to current Benedictine College students. Transfer students will be considered on a space-available basis.
What are my options to become a nurse if I am not admitted?
There are a few paths to becoming a nurse if you are not admitted to the nursing program. First, consider strengthening your GPA by retaking prerequisites to improve your grades and then reapply the following year. Second, consider completing a degree in another field and then complete an accelerated BSN program after you graduate from Benedictine.
Do I need immunizations?
Yes, immunizations (or proof of immunity for certain diseases) are required by the clinical partners. It is required that nursing students attend clinical in settings where they care for actual patients and their families. Students can apply for a vaccine exemption for conscious objection or medical reasons. Please note that not all clinical partners will accept approved vaccine exemptions.
How much are the nursing fees?
Nursing fees are approximately $850 for the first semester of junior year and approximately $400 for each of the semesters of your senior year. The first-semester fees include uniforms for clinical, a stethoscope and other student supplies, and for ClinicalStudent (a program required by the clinical partners that includes background checks and storage of clinical documentation). The fees for each semester cover the costs of laboratory supplies, a computer testing program, NCLEX preparation program, and malpractice insurance.
Who do I contact for additional information?
Please send an email with your question or questions to